Proudly Serving The Greater Uxbridge and Golden Horseshoe Area.

Vibe Illuminations

How Gemstone Lights Save Time and Money

Putting up and taking down seasonal holiday lighting takes a lot of time and effort. You have to wait for days when the weather is cooperating, get out the ladder, untangle the strings, hope the lights from last year are still working, test them, climb up the ladder, clip the lights onto your eavestroughs, and then plug them in – usually with unsightly extension cords that can become tripping hazards.  Then in the spring (or on that one warm winter day when it’s not too icy) you have to do the whole process in reverse.  Surely, in  this day and age, there has to be a better way. There is – introducing Gemstone Lights®.  

Gemstone Lights is an innovative permanent LED lighting solution for both homes and businesses that are built to last. Gemstone Lights® are set in a customized color-matched track that offers a clean professional look. The lights are water-resistant and individually connected and can last up to 50,000 hours. All of which means that you’ll spend less time on putting up holiday lights and more time enjoying the season.  The best part? Since the lights are permanent, you have year round architectural lighting to enhance your house – all easily managed from a proprietary mobile app.

A house split into 5 segments each with different coloured lights.

Most LED lights on the market today are RGB (R= Red, G= Green, B= Blue) which offers a lot of possible colour combinations. Gemstone Lights® take customization a step further as they are  LED RGBW lights (W= White).  It is the white tone that allows them to have a warm white glow, where traditional RGB LED lights only offer cool white tones. And because each light is individually controlled, you can decide if you want all or only some of the lights on at any given time, giving you complete control of the intensity and the colour.

Front view of a house with LED lights where only some lights are illuminated.

Do Gemstone Lights Use a Lot of Electricity?

No they don’t. LED lights are very energy-efficient and the technology continues to improve.

All colors have different wattages associated with them. Our lights draw anywhere from 0.17 watts to 0.72 watts per light, depending on the colors you use. The color intensity you select for the lights also affects energy usage. Brighter lights mean more power used, but still a fraction of the energy use of incandescent bulbs – and they don’t get hot. 

How Long Do Gemstone Lights Last?

Gemstone Lights are graded for 50,000 hours – that’s more than 5 years of having your lights on 24/7! Which is why we offer a 5-year warranty on the lights and components.  Any registered Gemstone Lights product or system component that fails, or has defects within the warranty period, will be covered under the 5-year product warranty and will be fixed or replaced. 

How Do I Set Up My Gemstone Lights?

You set up and control your Gemstone Lights from our proprietary mobile app. There are preset patterns and combinations you can use or you can create your own – the only limit is your imagination.

Overall, if you’re looking to save time setting up and taking down seasonal lighting, and save money by using super efficient LED lighting, Gemstone Lights are exactly what you need.  Get a no obligation quote today – you may have just hung your last set of Christmas lights!